Lluvia España (AEMET)

by Dani Ávila Domingo



Check the weather data from any AEMET weather station in the last 24 hours.* You can check the accumulated precipitation in 1h, 6h, 12h and 24h* You can check the temperature (current, maximum and minimum)* You can check the wind (current, maximum gusts)* You can check the list of all weather stations* You can see all weather stations on the map and check their current parameters* You can access the detail of the weather station to consult: - Temperature - Humidity - Accumulated precipitation in the current hydrological year and two previous ones - Map* You can check the accumulated precipitation in the current hydrological year and two previous ones at: - Each province - Each community - Spain* You can consult the % variation of accumulated precipitation of the current hydrological year with respect to the previous one for: - Each province - Each community - Spain* Add station to favorites* Consult heat map with accumulated precipitationSource: AEMET